Geo.X Annual Meeting 2017
November 20, 2017
Technische Universität Berlin
Main Building/Atrium

Scientists, students and colleagues from the Administration of the Geo.X partner institutions were invited to participate in the Geo.X Annual Meeting2017. Our host this year was the Technische Universität Berlin.
We informed about joint projects already underway as well as about plans for the future. Furthermore, newly appointed Professors at the partner institutions had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their respective fields of research.
During the reception afterwards, the participants used the opportunity for discussions and exchange of ideas.
(Doors open at 17:00 hrs)
Frank Neitzel (Technische Universität Berlin)
05:30 p.m.
Words of welcome
Christian Thomsen (President Technische Universität Berlin)
05:40 p.m.
Future perspectives
Reinhard Hüttl (GFZ/Geo.X)
05:50 p.m.
Report 2017
Hildegard Gödde (Geo.X)
06:05 p.m.
Short presentation of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg as associated Geo.X partner institution
Thomas Raab (BTU)
06:15 p.m.
Geo.X Young Acadeny HEIBRiDS: Short presentation of the Helmholtz-Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science
06:30 p.m.
HEIBRiDS: Short presentation of the Helmholtz-Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science
Christoph Freytag (HU Berlin)
06:40 p.m.
5-minute presentations of newly appointed Professors at the Geo.X partner institutions
Irina Engelhard (TU Berlin): Hydrolgeology
Nina Brendel (UP): Didactics of Geography
Tim Butler (IASS/FU Berlin): Air Quality Modelling for Policy Advice
Markus Rex (AWI/UP): Atmospheric Physics
Yuri Shprits (GFZ/UP): Magnetospheric Physics
Kai Wünnemann (MfN/FU Berlin): Impact- and Planetary Physics
Followed by
a reception for networking